17 de jun. de 2015

11 de jun. de 2015

My rotine

I sometime wake up at 10:00 o’clock on weekdays, get up at 10:30 am then I take a shower and after that I get dressed, I brush the teeth and I brush my hair, I put on make up. I have lunch at 12:00 and brush the teeth have, I go to school at 1:00 pm, I study  all afternoon. I go home at 6:15 pm, I come home at 6:40 pm and I eat,  I relax, I take a shower, I have dinner and I sleep.

My routine

I sometime wake up at 9:00 o’clock on the weekdays, brush my teeth and take a shower, and after that I get dressed, put make up, comb the hair and have lunch, right after I go to school at 1:30 p.m. Come home at 6:30 p.m, on Tuesdays and Thursdays do physical therapy after arriving from school, I come home, eat dinner and watch tv in my room or listen to music. When finished physical therapy, I will return to fight that is one of the things I love to do more!!

10 de jun. de 2015

28 de mai. de 2015

My daily life

I always wake up at 10:00 o'clock on weekendays and at 1:00 pm on the weekend. I get up and take a shower, I never eat breakfast so I always have lunch or eat cookies. At  1pm I go to school, study at IF go back home at 6:50 pm, then I wach TV with my grandmother and my grandfather. When my father comes back to home we cook  his dinner, right after I wash the dishes and go to my bedroom, then I wach TV or study, I usually go to sleep at 1:30 am.